I have No Rights!!

But I wrote the script anyway.  I’m not saying Columbia/Sony will like it, I’m hoping though that they read it, and start working Very hard to honor their movie promise made for the first time, July 10th, 1985 in theaters across America.

“We’ll be back,” said Kevin Costner’s Jake…  So let’s have it.  A sequel.  Bring back fun!!  Bring Back Friendship!!  Head into new territories of Romance, adventure, border relations, modernization, losing the wilderness and open ranges, yielding to the car and the complex city life, let’s GO!!!!

–Bill Watkins, Author
Return to Silverado
Not for Sale

8 thoughts on “I have No Rights!!

    1. Thanks, Rick. Do your part by tweeting, writing, facebooking Sony Pictures with Silverado love and hopes for a sequel!!! –Bill


  1. As I recall, the Kasdans wrote a Return to Silverado screenplay shortly after the first film’s release, but elected to leave it at one film. I’d say too much time has passed anyway. I can’t imagine a sequel doing well at this point in time.


      1. Read the script. TERRIBLE. The only thing “sequel” about it is 2 town names and 2 characters that are pushed to the side. Original Emmett comes back to Silverado, and we hear nothing about California, or the farm woman he was kinda sweet on in the first movie? Original Mal has a son? Did he screw his sister Rae? And leaving the rebuilt family farm for IOWA? AND WHERE THE HELL IS PADEN? This is NOT a sequel in any way, shape, or form. It’s a new story that just steals 2 characters and towns from the original.


      2. For years, I’ve been mulling a plot for a sequel. It would probably only appeal to older folks that have seen the original. Scott Glenn is now 79, and the remaining stars have racked up the years as well, but that would only add
        to the nostalgia. It’s too bad we can’t prevail on the Kasdans to relent. Thanks. Rick Stence

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